
A compilation of my favorite type of copywriting. Blogs are notoriously informal and down-to-earth which is my favorite way to be.

The Sensationalization and Hysteria of Right-Wing Media on Transgender Youth in Sports

If we look at gender objectively, we learn quickly how fluid and non-binary the experience of being gendered is. In many species, the white-throated sparrow, for instance,  4 genders exist. Or the anemonefish, AKA Finding Nemo, which switch sexes.

So, why, despite the fact that gender fluidity exists abundantly in nature, do some humans call this unnatural and demonize it in the human species? Why are our children the bull’s eye of this target? Why are girls’ sports the breeding ground for this predatory behavior?

And what about the media? Do they get some of the blame for the spread of blatant lies and creation of biased fear? What is their role and how much responsibility can they take in the dehumanization of our nation’s children?


A Look at the Numbers

Per this 2022 UCLA School of Law press release, the number of trans youth aged 13-17 in the U.S. is an estimated 300,000 total compared to the 17.3 million overall number of high school students. Of that, trans girls in sports are a whopping 5 for all ages. Yes, that’s right. The time, resources, and fear dedicated to erasing transgendered citizens are because of 5 whole girls playing in youth sports.  A number so inconsequential that you have no choice but to wonder why the media is dedicated to covering this day in and day out as if these 5 children are going to somehow ruin the country and turn us all into deviants.

As this article, How Journalists Can Responsibly Report on Transgender Athletes, points out, “the ACLU reports that nearly 500 anti-LGBTQ bills have been introduced in state legislatures this year. So far, 22 states have passed laws that prevent transgender athletes from competing on sports teams that match their gender identity — even though in many of these states, trans kids wanting to play school sports are in the single digits.”

The evidence pointing to transgender people posing no threat is a stark contrast to the baseless conservative rhetoric of “transgender lunacy” as Donald Trump casually puts it.


Transgender Bans Affect Cis Women and Girls Too

With all the coverage and political tactics to discredit the humanity and autonomy of trans youth, much of the information, fear, policies, and bans negatively affect cis-gender individuals as well. Cis-gender girls are faced with the humiliating and traumatic experiences of having to prove their gender, as was the case for a 16-year-old high school student who was falsely accused of being transgender by a member of the school board, Nancy Cline.

There are also legislative actions with dire consequences. In Kansas in 2023, legislation passed barring all transgender girls and women from playing athletics and, shockingly, allowing genital examination of children. Not only is that invasive and inappropriate, but it has a direct correlation with sexual predation. And it doesn’t take any critical thinking skills to realize cis-gender girls are targets of these asinine policies, pathetically disguised as the “protection” of girls and women. So, the very policies they enact, the propaganda heralded by right-wing media, are in fact dehumanizing and harming girls.

Women and girls in sports already face many challenges and roadblocks. They don’t need more obstacles placed in their way because of the false narrative of transgender girls and women having an advantage while also being deviant predators. Let’s be clear—the facts explicitly state the real predators are cis-gender straight males, not the 6-year-old “boy” who wants to play girls’ volleyball. But the fearmongering and media coverage of blatant lies has created hysteria among those who fear what they don’t understand. Therefore, girls and women, no matter what their assigned gender at birth, suffer the consequences.

The Media’s Responsibility 

This entire debacle is rooted in the God-fearing, close-minded ignorance of men in power, perpetuated by the media’s need to sensationalize and get the story no matter the cost. And, unfortunately, that cost is human lives, human autonomy, and human happiness. The media has done nothing to stop the lies or reduce the hate. For those calling the shots, this is juicy gossip that sells. Humanity is so lost that it doesn’t even dawn on these people how their sisters, wives, mothers, and daughters suffer because they lack integrity and courage. In a Fox News article, John Kennedy made false claims that biological males in women’s sports “has cost them victories, scholarships and even their health.” This information was not challenged by the journalist who wrote the article, nor did it likely occur to her that those who were cost victories, scholarships, and their health were the transgender athletes she helped villainize.  

“Humanity is so lost that it doesn’t even dawn on these people how their sisters, wives, mothers, and daughters suffer because they lack integrity and courage.”

The existence of transgender athletes has always been there and has done little to hinder the success of cis-gender athletes. Those are the facts. So, why are the scare tactics, stereotypes, and fear the driving force behind media coverage of this human rights issue? After all, these are just children trying to exist as their authentic selves. When will humanity prevail and we let kids play ball?

Why Can’t We Maintain Hydration Despite the Overwhelming Evidence to Support it?


We all know that we should be drinking lots of water to maintain our health. The benefits are undeniable, from gastrointestinal and digestive issues to lackluster skin, all can be improved drastically with proper hydration. Yet, we all fall short despite how easy it is to access and drink water. Why?

I think it has more to do with our mindset than anything else. Look at how effortless it is to drink a cup of coffee or glass of wine. We have no problem drinking lots of fluids, just not the right kinds. It’s easier to be lazy or put it off for tomorrow while we bask in the glory of coffee today. And that’s all in our minds; it’s less difficult to mentally digest something we want rather than something we need. So, how do we make the shift to better mindfulness of what we put in our bodies which leads to better health?

I want to share with you tips I have found useful for my own quest to become hydrated. Hopefully something resonates with you, and you can start this mindful journey to better health.


Tips to Start You Off

My first tip is the most fun because you get to go shopping. And it’s so simple! You ready for it…? Buy a fun water bottle. Yes, THAT simple. I have a lavender 40-ounce Hydrapeak insulated tumbler sitting next to me right now. It’s beautiful to look at, easy to tote around despite being 40 ounces, and matches an unnecessary number of outfits. I’m essentially using my hydration container as an accessory and it’s working wonders. And, because it’s eye-catching, each time my eyes are drawn to it I’m invited to take a sip.

When I’m desperate for flavor and need a little something extra, I infuse my water with fruit in my Tease 3-in-1 glass Tumbler. It’s designed specifically for tea and infused water, so you knock out two of my tips with one fun tumbler on this one. I prefer to infuse blueberries and cucumber for a light and refreshing taste with an antioxidant punch. You can find this fan-favorite tumbler on my website; it comes with an insulating sleeve and stainless steel steeping basket for maximum ease-of-use and efficiency.

I will inevitably forget about my water intake, as will you, on those extra busy days. That’s why I have a reminder on my phone and notes in specific places to remind me. Every day at noon, my phone alerts me to my hydration needs and reroutes me to my path of success. And notes left next to my glasses and car keys keep me on top of things too, so I don’t leave my tumbler full of water on my nightstand or behind me at home. Tailor these tips to cater to your lifestyle and daily routine. Put a note next to the coffee pot or set a reminder for when you know you’ll be heading to the gym. I guarantee you’ll get more sips during the day and feel better for doing it.

Finally, and the most difficult but rewarding tip, set a challenge. There are plenty of challenges out there to guide you or you can set one yourself. Invite friends or family to join you. This makes the challenge more attainable since you’ll have others holding you accountable and cheering you on. Regardless of how you approach this tip, make it doable. Don’t set yourself up for failure and set a challenge for a gallon of water per day when you may only get 8 ounces regularly. Don’t be an overachiever either. You can deplete your body of nutrients by drinking excessive amounts of water (think multiple gallons a day), causing illness and even death. Be sensible and set yourself up for success.


You can Lead a Man to Water…

Now you’re armed with enough knowledge to lead you to hydration. You’ve purchased a water receptacle, picked flavors for added zest, and set reminders. You’re challenged and ready to take steps toward a healthier future. You can almost feel your skin glow and plump, your gut debloat, and brain function kick it up a notch. You’re on your way to clearing the toxins out of your body and feeling better. The only thing left to do is take your first sip and bask in the glory. Good luck!

pen on a table

How to Choose the Type of Wood for Your DIY Project

There are thousands of wood species to choose from for your DIY projects and it gets a little overwhelming. Since it's a LOT to take in when you just want to make a cute rustic crate, I'm going to narrow it down for you and go over 6 fairly common and readily available species that will cover all your woodworking DIY projects.

Hardwoods vs Softwoods

This is not terribly important to know, but on the off chance you're standing in front of a boat-load of wood and your entire DIY education flies out the window, you can at least dig deep in your brain and pull this little nugget out-- hardwood doesn't necessarily mean hard and softwood doesn't necessarily mean soft. BOOM. Mind. Blown. Aside from that, just know that softwoods are better for lumber uses since they generally grow at a quicker pace and hardwoods usually have stellar grain patterns and color which makes them go-to choices for furniture.

Types of Hardwoods


This type of hardwood is known for its wide grain pattern and light creamy color. It's great for trims and flooring indoors and I recommend it for outdoor furniture. It takes stain and clear finishes well (my favorite and recommended for all projects here), but don't paint it. Be sure to have sharp tools when cutting and sawing this type of wood to avoid splintering and tear-out (what happens when your tool literally tears out an extra slice or chunk of wood). It's the most expensive of our three hardwoods, but well worth the price!


Walnut is a beauty and is very versatile for DIY projects. It has a straight, fine grain, and colors vary from dark brown to almost black, so it's no big thing to find a piece that has the color you're looking for. It's a great species for indoor use, from furniture to carved tchotchkes. I haven't seen a piece of walnut furniture that didn't wow me, so I recommend this as your first choice and ole' faithful in all situations. It's also an easy-to-cut and hard-to-burn species, making this a great option for beginner DIYers and projects. However, if you don't want to DIY that side table, you can purchase one similar to what's in my office here! Walnut is also moderately priced, so it won't break the bank!


The grain pattern is straight and wide on poplar with colors that can appear tan, grey, or green. This species is best for secondary indoor uses like crates and furniture frames, or as a veneer. It's an easy-to-work-with species but make sure your tools are super sharp and be sure to drill pilot holes before nailing or screwing. Poplar is not chosen for its beauty, so I recommend this for painting projects. Most importantly, it's inexpensive-- an important factor when you're not in the mood for shelling out your grocery money.

Types of Softwoods


A beautiful straight, fine-grained softwood, this species stands out because of its reddish-brown color. It's immensely versatile in outdoor use, from furniture to fencing and siding. I highly recommend it when you upgrade that dingy deck. It takes stains and clear finishes well while also being easy to sand and machine. It's a moderately expensive species but holds up to the wear and tear of life, so it's worth it.


This lightweight species has a straight grain of varying thickness and color, so it's a crapshoot when buying this for a seamless look. As you well guessed already, it's THE perfect choice for closets and chests ( this one is perfect for your sweaters) due to its resistance to moths, but is also a good choice for outdoor uses. It's a finicky species and some types will cause irritation, so please wear a mask and goggles while sawing and sanding. It's also common to have tear-out and splinters on the end grain, and will 100% bleed through when painted. It's inexpensive which is the main reason it makes this list. I do NOT recommend this for beginners for all of the reasons listed above.


We all know this species and have worked with it or own something made from it. Pine has a straight grain and even texture with light tan and yellow coloring. It's most commonly used for construction lumber but has uses indoors; You'll find it in a lot of country-style homes and will instantly recognize it in furniture sets (buy my favorite nesting tables here). Pine is a great choice for its ease of use in sawing and sanding but is best suited for clear finishes and painting projects. It's also super inexpensive, so go hog wild with this species!

Final Thoughts

As with all projects and purchases, it's always best to do some research before checking out. You may discover a different species that tickles your fancy much more than any of the ones I covered. You could also stumble upon pictures of exotic species in your Google search, but I didn't include those here since you're going to have to WORK to find them in person. Which reminds me-- Don't forget about plywood! It gets a bad rep but it's super stable, relatively inexpensive, and comes in various veneer faces to suit your needs. The famous Eames Chair was made using this easy to find option, so don't knock it 'til you tried it!

I'm curious to know what projects you're working on. Let me know in the comments below what is on your DIY plate!

Happy shopping, woodworkers!

Top 3 Things to Do in Los Angeles


Los Angeles is a truly fascinating city. There’s no shortage of activities to entertain. But what are the best when it comes to discovering what L.A. has to offer? We’ve narrowed down the top three things to do outside of conventional tourist attractions. Pack these three experiences into your trip to Los Angeles and still have plenty of time left to explore!

Food Tour

L.A. has one of the most diverse populations in the country and therefore some of the most diverse food options. There’s no reason you can’t pick a different cultural theme each day and eat your way through the city. Koreatown, in addition to amazing food, has a big karaoke fanbase. So, if that’s up your alley, start there. Regional cuisines of Mexican origin are peppered throughout the city, but Olvera Street is a mecca of activity and food for you to explore. Ethiopian and Filipino food is uncommon throughout the country, so don’t skip out on these while you’re there. The coffee at Little Ethiopia Restaurant is touted for its traditional flavor while the designated Filipino district is jam-packed with options!

Visit Buddhist Temples

The second largest population of Buddhists in the country are in L.A. with some incredible temples waiting for you to meditate and ponder life’s many mysteries. Check out this jaw-dropping temple in Hacienda Heights or this one near the Arts District. You’ll walk away with a deeper appreciation for L.A.’s beautiful spiritual offerings.

Visit the Hooker 100” telescope at Mt. Wilson Observatory

This famous telescope helped Edwin Hubble discover the expansion of the Universe. We now know galaxies exist beyond the Milky Way thanks to this astronomical finding! A true piece of history not to be missed.

There are so many things to do in Los Angeles that you’ll never be bored. But these top three are top tier and should be on your list!

